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Notepad++ 5.8.1 Final Multilanguage

Notepad++ 5.8.1 Final Multilanguage
Notepad++ 5.8.1 Final Multilanguage | 3.84 MB

Notepad - a source code editor (and Notepad replacement) with syntax support for many programming languages, running on the operating system MS Windows.
This project is based on the component Scintilla (a very powerful editor component), written in C using only the Win32 API and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program) is distributed under the GPL.

Key Features:
"Highlighting the text and the possibility of folding units, according to the syntax of a programming language
»WYSIWYG (print and you get what you see on the screen)
"User Defined Syntax Highlighting
"Working with multiple documents
"Simultaneous viewing of multiple documents
"Regular Expression Search / Replace
"Full support for dragging text fragments
"Dynamic position of Views
"Auto-File Status
"Increase or decrease
"Support for many languages
"Isolation of the brackets when editing text
"Macro recording and playback

What's New in This Release:
Fix Actionscript lexer crash problem.
Fix saving UCS-2 text file corrupted bug.
Add word count in Summary feature.
Fix hidding / showing status bar bug.

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Item Reviewed: Notepad++ 5.8.1 Final Multilanguage Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر