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FrostWire 4.21.1 Multilanguage

FrostWire 4.21.1 Multilanguage
FrostWire 4.21.1 Multilanguage | 7.6 MB

FrostWire - The client peer networks, the brainchild of well-known and popular program LimeWire, which like its predecessor, allows the exchange of files between users, but has one big advantage - no locker distribution "pirated" files.

Key Features:
* Completely Free & open-source
* Firewall-to-firewall transfers
* Turbo-Charged Download Speeds
* Absolutely NO Spyware or Adware
* Connects to more sources
* Creative Commons license support
* Max. speed network connections
* Junk Result Filters
* Community Chat Rooms
* ITunes Integration
* BitTorrent Support
* Proxy Support

FrostWire supports the creation of dynamic queries, and if the need arises, to preview the file being downloaded. In addition, FrostWire is ready to boast of advanced technologies find rare files, and an intuitive interface.

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Item Reviewed: FrostWire 4.21.1 Multilanguage Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر