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Windows Live Messenger 16.4.3505 Offline Download

Windows Live Messenger 16.4.3505
Windows Live Messenger makes it easier than ever to stay connected to the people you care about.

More than just chatting
  • Have more fun with your friends. Chat face to face in high definition (HD) using a webcam,* start a photo slide show, watch online videos, and share links you've discovered on the web.
Your online world in one place
  • Messenger brings together the most important social updates from across the web to one place so you'll always know when your friends post new photos, update their status, and more from websites like Facebook and MySpace.
Messenger on the go
  • Keep in touch even when you're on the go and away from home. See who's online, chat with friends, and see social updates from friends using Messenger on your mobile phone.
Start a full-screen HD video chat
  • Take your video chat to the next level with full-screen video chat using a high definition webcam.
See updates from websites you use
  • Add the services you use like Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn and see updates about your friends on those social networks right in Messenger.
On the web
  • Messenger stays with you on the web, so you can always see who's online, get social updates from friends, and start chatting.
 Free Dwonload 214 MB (Freeware) Windows Live Messenger 16.4.3505
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Item Reviewed: Windows Live Messenger 16.4.3505 Offline Download Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر