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    Adobe AIR Final Free download

    Adobe AIR Final Free download
    Adobe AIR runtime enables developers to use HTML, JavaScript, Adobe Flash Professional software, and ActionScript to build web applications that run as standalone client applications without the constraints of a browser.


    Adobe AIR, a key component of the Adobe Flash Platform, unleashes the creativity of designers and developers by providing a consistent and flexible development environment for the delivery of applications across devices and platforms. Support for Android, BlackBerry Tablet OS and iOS mobile operating systems and televisions is now available.
    • Take advantage of a consistent, flexible, and visual development environment for applications on multiple platforms and devices such as TVs, smartphones, smartbooks, tablets, netbooks, and PCs.
    • Accelerate development with code reuse and an intuitive visual environment for multiplatform development.
    • Create consistent and immersive applications that deliver expressive and interactive user experiences across multiple screens.
    • Adobe AIR offers an exciting new way to engage customers with innovative, branded applications, without requiring changes to existing technology or processes.
    •  From conducting business transactions to managing music, Adobe AIR delivers applications that are easier, more powerful, and more fun to use.

    Free Download 14.7 MB (Freeware) Adobe AIR
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