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ZeroFolder اداه صغيرة لإزالة الملفات الفارغة بالحاسوب

There are times when in a hurry we delete data inside any folder which is of no further use but leave the folder as it is and forget about it. All these empty folders make the view of other folders crowded. And also keep us in the false impression that the data is still there.

 شرح الاداه
 But, when we actually open that folder, we get to know that it is empty and of no use and it 
should be deleted. Finding all these empty folders and deleting them individually will take quite a long time.

So, to avoid it, there is a freeware called Empty Folder Nuker which will perform this task within a few minutes.

The downloaded Empty Folder Nuker is a compact exe file (of 340KB only) which needs no installation. It is fully compatible with windows vista, xp and 7. It enables you to find and delete empty folders within a selected drive or base folder. You just have to browse the desired folder or drive. For example, if i want to search the desktop empty folders then i just have to put the desktop location and click ‘find’.

It also provides the option of checking the content of subfolders and flag folders as empty if they contain nothing but empty subfolders.
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Item Reviewed: ZeroFolder اداه صغيرة لإزالة الملفات الفارغة بالحاسوب Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر