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Wuala Basel Free Download

Wuala Basel
Have you ever emailed files to yourself or forgotten your memory stick on the go? Do you want to access your files from anywhere? Want to share documents, pictures or large media files with your friends or family? If you've answered one question with “yes”, you should take a closer look at Wuala, the online file store owned by LaCie.

Wuala is not just some online storage solution, it's much more than that! Wuala is...
...innovative Wuala is based on unique and innovative technology.
...secure Like you, we care about security. That's why all data is encrypted and stored in different locations.
...social Share your files with friends, family or co-workers. Send a link to your friends, who can access your files instantly. Or create a group to share your files with family or co-workers.

Free Download 19.38MB (Freeware) Wuala (Basel)
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