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BearShare is a peer-to-peer program, which connects to a file sharing network, and allows you to search, download, or share almost any type of files – audio, video, images, documents, and more. Bearshare takes the world's most powerful file sharing software a step further, providing faster downloads than any other software, including Limewire. The new BearShare is now better than ever:

  • World's fastest downloads
  • Over 15 million FREE songs & videos
  • Manage even the largest music library
  • Burn CD's, and sync your MP3 player
  • Enhanced Privacy features
  • Built-in community & IM
What's New in BearShare?

New Library
Slick visuals and a simple layout make browsing your music and videos easier than ever before!
Your library has never been this organized.

iPods and MP3 Players
Connecting an iPod / MP3 player is as easy as plugging it in.
You can transfer songs to and from your iPod manually, or have BearShare automatically sync
your library with your device each time you connect it.

Color Schemes
Get your BearShare looking just the way you want it to with these
slick new color schemes.
From Sky Blue to Hot Pink, there's something for every desktop.

BearShare DJ
Enter the name of a song, artist, or mood, and BearShare will
automatically create a playlist full of music you'll love.

Meet New People
Share and listen to music together,
upload photos, and much more.

HD Videos
BearShare handles HD videos with ease in its new video modes.
Play HD videos inside BearShare, pop them out to float mode,
or go full screen.

Tags: bearshare lite, bear share for Windows 7, music downloader, music searcher, music finder, downloader, download, uploader, finder.

Free Download 2.28 MB (Freeware) BearShare
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