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AusLogics BoostSpeed Portable Cracked

AusLogics BoostSpeed

برنامج تتلخص وظيفة هذا العملاق في عدة أشياء سوف أذكرها لكم , جهاز خالي من
الأخطاء والمشاكل وتسريع الكمبيوتر والأنترنت برنامج مثالي شامل لأبقاء جهازك أسرع
وأنظف وخاليا من الأخطاء ويزيد من قوة النظام وتسريع وتحسين النظام والأنترنت يعتبر
هذا البرنامج مجموعة شاملة من برامج لتحسين حاسوبك حيث يمكنك بواسطته تخلص
من ملفات الزائدة والغير ضرورية والتي تأخذ جزء من مساحة قرص الصلب وكذالك يقوم
بأجراء أختبارات على قطع جهاز وتحسين من سرعة النظام وتحسين من سرعة أتصالك
بالأنترنت ويزيد من سرعة أداء القرص الصلب, ويدعم البرنامج تسريع خطوط الأنترنت
: dial-up modems, cable modems, ISDN, DSL, T1, T3 حيث سوف
يضمن لك افضل أداء وسرعة في تصفح . ومن اهم مميزات البرنامج : عندما يحصل
نظامك على كثرة الأخطاء يقوم البرنامج بمعالجتها فورا, يستطيع البرنامج تحسين سرعة
الأتصال بالأنترنت ويعطيك الأداء الأمثل, يقوم برفع من أداء ويندوز وتحسين من أداء
الذاكرة, يقوم بتحسين من أداء برامج مايكروسفت اوفيس وكذالك برامج المحادثة
ويقوم بمسح خصوصيتك برنامج متميز ويستحق التحميل

Auslogics BoostSpeed – the ideal solution to speed up your computer and Internet connection. This powerful Windows optimizer will boost Internet connections, tweak Windows to its peak performance, clean and defrag disks and the registry. It’s a great way to speed up your PC and keep it clean and optimized. Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs. Boost Speed will clean up disks and the Registry to speed up your computer and tweak Windows to its peak performance. Modify Windows settings, file system and services to greatly  increase system performance. BoostSpeed will keep monitoring your system for possible optimizations and let you know if such optimizations are possible. You can also run the System Optimization Wizard to periodically optimize your PC.

Key Benefits:
 • boost speed of your PC in just a few minutes
 • speed up Internet for faster browsing and downloads
 • clean the registry to make your computer more stable
 • clean the disks of your PC for higher system performance
 • boost programs such as MS Office, Media Player, etc.

BoostSpeed Integrator
 BoostSpeed Integrator provides you with computer optimization and security summary, prompting you to take actions when needed. Use Tasks menu on the left to launch various BoostSpeed tools to clean-up, optimize and secure your computer.

Disk Defrag
 A new and improved version of Disk Defrag is now part of Auslogics BoostSpeed. You don’t need to have Disk Defrag installed as a separate program anymore. Simply download and install new Auslogics BoostSpeed 5 and enjoy an integrated version of Disk Defrag on your computer.

Speed Up Internet
 Internet Optimization wizard is now easier to use, provides more information and is more powerful than before. Unlike other similar programs, Auslogics Internet Optimizer will first test your connection settings before applying any changes.

 One-Button Checkup
 If you don’t have time to go through many tools in Auslogics BoostSpeed, but need a quick fix of major problems, use One-Button Checkup instead. This safe and fast program will clean and optimize your disk and the registry, as well as protect your computer.

Disk Cleaner
 Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner and Track Eraser are all built to scan and clean your computer, removing junk files, broken registry keys and sensitive information. Novice users will find them easy to use, and power users will be delighted by the amount of customization available.

Uninstall Manager
 The new version features greatly improved Uninstall and Startup Managers. Both can be used to improve your computer performance. Both have an edge over standard Windows tools and competitors by rating your software and giving you a Vista-style quick search.

Tweak Manager
 You can speed up, optimize and customize your computer, web browser, e-mail client and IM software using our award-winning Auslogics Tweak Manager. It allows you to search for tweaks, to see tweak rating (telling you how much effect a tweak has on your computer performance).

Compatible with Windows 7 / Vista / XP (32-bit & 64-bit).

New in Auslogics BoostSpeed 5:
 * Disk Doctor. With Disk Doctor you will be able to monitor your hard drive health and recover data from unreadable sectors.
 * Disk Explorer. Shows the largest files and folders on your disks, so you can free up additional space by archiving them onto a CD or DVD.
 * File Recovery. Recovers accidentally deleted files or files damaged by applications, spyware and computer viruses.
 * Internet Optimizer. This tool allows you to speed up Internet connection by optimizing numerous settings either manually or automatically.
 * More Improvements. BoostSpeed v.5 includes the latest version of our award winning defragmenter – Disk Defrag 3, a significantly redesigned user interface and over 18 improved tools for complete computer optimization and maintenance.

Changes in version (10/08/2012):
 * Added full support for all Windows 8 versions, including Windows 8 Release Preview
 * Added full support for Internet Explorer 10
 * Added support for Metro processes in Task Manager
 * Advice and tweaks in Tweak Manager tailored to the new OS
 * Installer optimized for Windows 8
 * Added new cleanup categories in Registry Cleaner, Track Eraser and Disk Cleaner
 * Improved processing of flash drives in Disk Wiper
 * Significantly improved the Force Remove function in Uninstall Manager
 * Significantly improved Auslogics Rescue Center, which now correctly works with locked data and Windows services
 * Internet Optimizer can now better optimize internet connections in Windows 7 and Windows 8
 * Added support for all new versions of the most popular internet browsers, including Firefox and Chrome
 * Corrected data removal errors that occurred with Internet Explorer 9 installed
 * Made numerous improvements to all program modules
 * Corrected all known bugs
13.3 M.b
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Item Reviewed: AusLogics BoostSpeed Portable Cracked Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر