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WinASO Registry Optimizer Portable By Ramy-Soft

WinASO Registry Optimizer is an advanced registry cleaner and optimizer for Windows that allows you to safely clean and repair registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks.

WinASO Registry Optimizer will fix all the registry errors that cause system instability, PC errors, crashes, system slowdown, including but not limited to:

* Invalid User software settings
* Invalid system software settings
* Invalid browser helper objects
* Invalid custom control settings
* Errors in uninstall sections
* Shared DLL errors
* Sound and AppEvents errors
* Startup popup window
* Invalid System settings
* Invalid help and resources
* Empty registry keys
* Invalid class keys
* Invalid fonts
* Invalid start-up programs
* ActiveX errors
* Obsolete history lists
* Invalid file paths
* Invalid file extensions
* Invalid software locations
* Windows services error
* Invalid virtual devices
* Invalid device drivers

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Item Reviewed: WinASO Registry Optimizer Portable By Ramy-Soft Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر