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Cyber Scrub Privacy Suite Pro Silent By Ramy-Soft

احمى نظامك وخليه بسرعة الصاروخ مع هذا البرنامج الرائع
رجع جهازك كما كان عند الشراء
Protect Your Internet Privacy
Few realize every picture, video clip, chat room conversation and website address is written to your hard drive. Privacy Suite software protects you by removing all evidence of your online Internet history and activity.
البرنامج كامل تنصيب صامت ضغطة زر واحدة
تحياتى رامى سوفت

بعض الصور

"Deleted" Files Remain on Your Computer
Deleted files are easily recovered using simple software tools. Sensitive data, such as passwords, financials or health records, even that "about last night" email are at risk. Don't allow discovery by a snoop, computer technician or unauthorized persons.
Privacy Suite software allows you to erase data using wipe methods that exceed standards set by the United States Department of Defense for secure file erasure
The CyberScrub Risk Monitor
The new Risk Monitor alerts you automatically when your privacy is at risk.

For example, it will notify you of: • Internet tracks and images that reside on your computer
• the need to wipe free space to ensure that previously "deleted" files cannot be recovered
• documents and files that reside in your Recycle Bin
• available patches, fixes and updates
You may fix a pending Risk Alert with a single click of your mouse.

Automatically Update and Download Plug-ins
(Note- A "plug-in" allows you to clean traces from third party programs, such as Internet Explorer or Windows Media Player.)

With older versions of Privacy Suite software, updating your third party plug-ins required waiting for and buying a new program upgrade.

Now with our Yearly Subscription you will receive plug-ins for new and existing programs immediately. A simple click will download and install them. So when, for example, Adobe® Acrobat goes from version 9 to version 10, you will not miss a beat.
A 1 Year Subscription is included with your purchase.

Privacy Suite 5.1 Now Cleans:
Windows 7 (all versions)
Microsoft Office 2007
Shadow Copies
Internet Explorer 9
Mozilla Firefox 9
Google Chrome 16
Skype 5.x

AOL Messenger 9
Yahoo Messenger 11, 7.5 & 8
MSN Messenger (all versions)
Earthlink Mailbox
Windows Media Player 11
Adobe Flash Player 10
plus many more new applications

Business users will appreciate:
• Detailed log file reporting
• Powerful command-line functionality
• A Permissions module to limit functions to users and/or groups
• Options to password protect the program
• The ability to incorporate data retention within their
   erasure tasks. Files and folders destruction may be
   based upon age, date, location, event and other criteria. You will now be able to implement document life-cycle policies that are automated, passive, transparent and fully auditable. You will find Privacy Suite software to be an essential component of your HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, FACTA and GLB toolkit. 

100% Windows 7 Compatibility with Shadow Copy Destruction
Previous versions of Privacy Suite cannot perform even the most basic functions under Windows 7 or Vista. Our new Version 5.1 not only fully supports Windows 7 and Vista, but addresses the unique security risks posed by these new operating systems

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Item Reviewed: Cyber Scrub Privacy Suite Pro Silent By Ramy-Soft Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر