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Windows 8 in the Flexible Workstyle Framework

Windows 8, just as Windows 7 before it, will fit into the Flexible Workstyle framework, which Microsoft uses to refer to the modern workspace.
Last week I told you about a session for members of the Microsoft Partner Network, titled “BELUX - Framing Windows 8 with the Flexible Workstyle pitch

Available only to those with access to the Redmond company’s Partner Learning Center, the session will also discuss the impacts of Microsoft’s announcements at the upcoming “Windows Build” conference in just two weeks.

The video embedded at the bottom of this article, courtesy of Long Zheng, reveals the software giant’s Flexible Workstyle strategy, and it’s easy to see just how Windows 8 will fit right in.

In the end, Flexible Workstyle is about nothing more than the consumerization of IT, namely the trend that pushes companies to adopt products that their users are running at home.

I had the chance to talk to a number of IT professionals that were migrating, or had already migrated their organizations to Windows 7 in 2010, and there was a consensus that employees were not only loving being upgraded to Windows Vista’s successor, but were actually pressuring their IT departments to move them to the new operating system.

The people featured in the video are always and seamlessly connected through the various technologies they’re using, including traditional PCs, smartphones and next generation form factors such as tablets / slates.

Users can expect the level of connectivity between Microsoft’s Cloud technologies, Windows Phone, management solutions and Windows client to only get a boost with the advent of Windows 8.

If speculation is to be believed, Windows 8 will allow customers to take advantage of roaming profiles, designed to let them have access to the same customizations, applications and settings on any device via the Cloud by linking Windows 8 user accounts with Windows Live IDs.  


Microsoft Flexible Workstyle Ad from Sam McJunkin on Vimeo.
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