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Mini-USB WindowsXP 2009 Portable 1.0

Mini-USB WindowsXP 2009 Portable 1.0 
37 MB

The smallest image of WindowsXP for USB-keychain. Indispensable stuff if you want to pull data from a computer to congregate operating system.
On the flash drive is filled with GHOST32 (goes to the archive), flash enough to 64MB!. Interesting that it can then boot from the flash drive to install the
necessary software and run it, the tools will be based on that fleshke from which you booted.
The system is used for restoration of data. Very handy thing if you want, without losses, to move with his faily system, for example, on the other (PC), or
save your files if you fell off the system

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Item Reviewed: Mini-USB WindowsXP 2009 Portable 1.0 Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر