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Photo Art Studio 2.81

Photo Art Studio 2.81

Photo Art Studio 2.81 | 22 Mb

AMS Photo Art Studio - software for decoration of photos. The structure includes a package of five handy tools for creating greeting cards, collages, imposing frame and batch processing images. Within literally a few seconds, you can create a stylish frame, create a postcard or a collage. The program includes a handful of functions necessary for processing digital photographs: automatic enhancement and editing, creating special effects, framing, adding decorations and labels. The utility has a customizable user interface that is easy and convenient to operate. Built-in help system online tutorial will help you turn your photos into a masterpiece.

Main advantages:
- User-friendly interface and easy to use.
- Five automatic photo enhancement algorithms.
- More than three hundreds of decoration: frames, masks, cards, collages.
- A huge set of new templates.
- Classic and contemporary framework.
- Create impressive collages.
- Special effects for your photos.
- Stylish Cards.
- Add captions and video clips.

Home: http://photo-framing-software.com/

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Item Reviewed: Photo Art Studio 2.81 Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: محترفين تعديل الدهانات بمصر