Do you remember the first thing you did
when you were born?
Breathe for air.
Man may live 5-6 weeks without food‚
a few days without water‚ but only a few
minutes without air.
Our body's most important nutritional
requirement is not protein‚ carbohydrates‚
fats – it is oxygen!
Just as fire in a furnace cannot be kept up without enough air
which would supply the necessary amount of oxygen to the flames‚
so the fires of life in the body cannot be maintained without an abundance of
oxygen in the body. The way we breathe can substantially affect how we look‚
feel‚ resist disease‚ and even how long we live.
In order to have good blood‚ we must breathe well.
Full‚ deep inspirations of pure air fill the lungs with oxygen;
purify the blood‚ sending it – a life-giving current – to every part of the body.
Good respiration soothes the nerves; stimulates the appetite;
renders digestion more perfect; and induces sound‚ refreshing sleep.
Fresh air will prove far more beneficial to sick persons than medicine‚
and is far more essential to them than their food. They will do better‚
and will recover sooner‚ when deprived of food‚ than when deprived of fresh air.
An outdoor life amid natural surroundings would work wonders for many a
helpless and almost hopeless invalid. Some diseases can be cured
most of all through proper air. The most successful cure for tuberculosis
of the lungs requires an unusually large amount of fresh air for the patient
day and night. Sleeping porches should be provided and such patients
should be allowed indoors for only meals and other duties.
Thousands have died for want of pure water and air who might have lived.
Does the way I stand and sit affect my breathing?
The lungs can expand properly only when a person sits and stands straight
because otherwise the sacs in the lungs that take in the air will be compressed.
If lungs do not get enough air‚ the blood does not get enough oxygen;
in turn‚ everything does not function as efficiently as it should.
Practice how to sit and stand straight – head high‚ back straight.
How can I make sure I am getting enough air?
On the surface‚ it would appear that when you take a breath‚ the air goes in and
immediately bounces back. Actually‚ only about 1/7 of the air in the air cells
of the lungs is replaced with each breath. It is important to do deep breathing exercise
daily (three times a day is best). Be sure to do this in the morning before breakfast.
Take a deep breath to full expansion‚ hold‚ then exhale slowly and completely‚
and hold that. Repeat this‚ say‚ 20 times. This helps the circulation and
gets toxins out of the system.
One of the best ways to learn deep breathing (normal breathing) is to lie flat
on one's back and place your hand on your stomach. As you breathe in deeply
your hand should rise. This exercise should be practiced until
your abdominal muscles automatically rise each time you breathe‚ all the time.
This indicates that the entire lung is expanding‚ with emphasis on the
lower portion of the lung and abdominal area.
Be outdoors as much as possible. Always exercise outdoors.
In the home it is important to secure thorough ventilation and plenty of sunlight.
Keep proper ventilation in mind wherever you are (home‚ work‚ school‚ etc.).
Air must be in constant circulation to be kept free from poisons.
Breathe fresh air while sleeping – open the windows.
Even on cold winter nights‚ double the blankets but always keep the windows open.
Air the bedrooms daily with the windows open.
When we sleep in an ill-ventilated room we will awake feeling feverish
and exhausted. This is because the vital air was excluded‚
and our entire system suffers in consequence.
Do not smoke tobacco; avoid second-hand smoke too. Our skin breathes;
try to wear only natural material (100% cotton‚ linen‚ silk or wool) on everything
that touches the body so that it can breathe without impediments.
Avoid smog and all chemicals‚ cleaning solutions‚ solvents‚ paint removers‚
insect sprays‚ and deodorants. The best air is at beaches‚ oceans‚ waterfalls‚
thunderstorms‚ forests‚ and in sunshine; all these natural environments
electrically charge oxygen molecules to negative ions which are health-giving.
However‚ air from air conditioners is not the best‚
because it is positively ionized.
What should I do if the air is too cold?
If you add clothing‚ let it be but little‚
and exercise‚ if possible‚ to regain
the heat you need. If you positively
cannot engage in active exercise‚
warm yourself by the heater;
but as soon as you are warm‚
lay off your extra clothing and
remove from the fire.
If those who can would engage in
some active employment to take the
mind off themselves‚ they would
generally forget that they felt the chill‚
and would not receive harm.
You should lower the room temperature as soon as you have regained your
natural warmth. For invalids who have feeble lungs‚ nothing can be worse
than an overheated atmosphere. The heated oppressed atmosphere
deprives the vitality‚ benumbs the sensitive brain‚ and causes the lungs
to shrink and the liver to become inactive.
What happens if I do not breathe right?
If an insufficient supply of oxygen is received through shallow breathing‚
the blood moves sluggishly. The waste‚ poisonous matter‚ which should be
thrown off in exhalations from the lungs‚ is retained and the blood becomes impure.
Not only the lungs‚ but the stomach‚ liver and brain are affected.
The skin becomes sallow and digestion is retarded.
Oxygen deficiency in the cells is known to cause cancer.
Experiments have proven that cancer cells cannot live in blood
that is well oxygenated.
Air should not be regarded as an enemy‚ but a precious blessing.
Many labor under the mistaken idea that when they have a cold‚
they must carefully exclude the outside air‚ and increase the temperature
of their room until it is excessively hot. The system becomes deranged
and the pores closed by waste matter.
And the internal organs suffer more or less inflammation‚ because
the blood has been chilled back from the surface and thrown upon them.
At this time‚ of all others‚ the lungs should not be deprived of pure‚ fresh air.
If pure air is ever necessary‚ it is when any part of the system‚
as the lungs or stomach‚ is diseased.
Many families suffer with sore throat‚ lung disorders and liver complaints‚
brought upon them by their own course of action.
They breathe the same air over and over again‚ until it becomes impregnated
with poisonous impurities. Those who thus abuse their health must suffer disease.
URL - http://www.worldsla stchance. com/articles/ heavens-healing/ 2.-the-invisible -disease- remover.html
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