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How to Hack Rapidshare.com

How to Hack Rapidshare.com

Since I started blogging the question that has been asked by maximum number of users via Comments, Web Forms or via Communities is “How to hack Rapidshare.com?”. Rapidshare is one of the best file hosting service in the world. You can upload, Download files that you want very easily. But if you are not a premium user of Rapidshare then while downloading any file from the rapidshare, you will get annoying download time before getting the download link.

Today I am posting the answer to your most asked question via a very simple trick which will help you to reset the download waiting time to zero. So you can download your files very quickly.

Follow the steps given below and hack Rapidshare.com yourself:

1. Goto the Rapidshare URL of the file you want to Download.

2. Now click on the Free User button. Your waiting time will be start.

3. Now remove the current URL and copy the follwing code in the Browser’s address bar;

4. Hit Enter.

5. This code will set your download timer as zero and download link will be appear immediately.

6. Click Download. If it gives some error message, refresh the page once and download will start.

You could also add the following link to bookmarklets and use it whenever you want to circumvent Rapidshare Wait Time.

Hack Rapidshare

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