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    Backup blogger posts and comments

    Backing up blogger posts and comments is very important to ensure that all your hard work you do in writing posts and your readers valuable comments are safe.Have you ever thought what will happen if all your blogger posts you are writing for years get lost?It can happen if your blog get crashed or your blog is blocked by Google's spam prevention robot.We all know that Google is reliable but what i have read stories about people who had great blogs using blogger platform but they got crashed.The only way out of this mess will be your blog backup.
    I will tell you two methods.First one will backup both your blogger posts and comments while second one will backup only blogger posts.

    1. Blogger Backup Utility

    This utility allows you to backup both your blog posts and comments.You can download it from here.
    After installing this software just select Add/Remove/Update Blogs as shown in below image and login with your blogger id and password.Select your Blog to take backup and select 'OK'.Don't forget to check 'Save comments' if you also want to take backup of your comments.Click on 'Backup Posts' and you are done.

    2. Backup using Blogger in Draft

    This method is rather more easy but it only let you backup blogger posts.
    Go to Blogger in draft.Then go to Settings > Basic > Blog Tools and select ' Export blog '.
    Click on ' Download Blog ' button.

    An xml format file will be downloaded which will have all your blog posts.If a blog get crashed it's posts can be restored by going to Settings > Basic > Blog Tools and select Import blog.Give the path of xml file you downloaded and publish your posts.
    I hope you will love this tip,if you have any suggestions or problems do mention it in comments.

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